Realizing Your Dreams Through Goal Setting
"In 1953, researchers surveyed Yale's graduating seniors to determine how many of them had specific, written goals for their future. The answer? 3%. Twenty years later, researchers polled the surviving members of the class and found that the 3% with written goals had accumulated more personal financial wealth than the other 97% of the class combined".
This site won't spend a lot of time backing up that study or preaching to you about the merits of goal setting. You can find that "stuff" all over the internet, in rows and rows of the traditional libraries, and on late night TV infomercials.
Goal setting is an art. If your plan is to carve out a Sunday afternoon to design your life through goal setting, don't waste your time. You need to master goal setting. The good news is that it works without exception. The bad news (for some) is that it takes effort.
Start with the GoalTender (menu to the left).The key to a lifestyle that is all you want it to be is the GoalTender. It houses everything you need to design your perfect lifestyle. Review & edit it daily. Make it the first thing you do in the morning & the last thing before you go to bed!
Note that we have a sister site that uses music and lyrics to support our goal setting and motivational theory. You may be surprised how many of your favorite music artists and songs support what we present. The site is called Live by a Song. Give it a look.
Before you get started check out a movie we've profiled, on Live by a Song, King of California, where Michael Douglas's character will give you inspiration to design a lifestyle that motivates you and gives you meaning ... even if it's a little bit crazy.